We are very happy to announce that we have received the IFS certification with the highest possible score! A certification very important for us, since it proves that our effort to offer the best possible services to our partners is recognized! In more detail, the IFS Logistics standard certifies the quality and safety of supply […]


We are very happy to announce that we have received the IFS certification with the highest possible score!

A certification very important for us, since it proves that our effort to offer the best possible services to our partners is recognized!

In more detail, the IFS Logistics standard certifies the quality and safety of supply chain activities. Specifically, it includes the sectors of transport, storage, distribution, loading of products, etc.

IFS certification

In addition, the IFS Logistics certification supports logistics companies in meeting increasing transparency requirements. It then ensures the quality and stability of their services to their customers.

Finally, it certifies that they ensure the complete safety of their employees.

See detailed information about this certification here

See all our certifications here